Good News Church, Bhopal

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How the church was started

History & Purpose

In 1987 Mathews Varghese and wife Daisy, along with their two year old son Ashish, arrived in Bhopal. Mathews and Daisy had recently completed their theological training with a specific call of God to work in this part of India. The beginning was very humble and obscure, yet they walked by faith and with passage of time received innumerable answers to their prayers. The gospel was spread amidst the people of Bhopal and, to their amazement, many were enthusiastic to hear the good news. With consistent prayers, the church gradually took shape.

The first major event happened in the drawing room of the Mathews and Daisy’s home at 51 Narayn Nagar, on Hoshangabad road, Bhopal. A Nigerian student, Reginald, was the first one to step into the tiny space at Naryan Nagar.  Reginald curiously observed the red lettered board outside the home “Good News Centre” and decided to enter.  Reginald regularly attended the church in their home.  As the weeks progressed, Reginald became more interested in God until one day he accepted the Lord as his personal saviour and soon obeyed the Lord in waters of baptism! The church slowly grew and witnessed several more baptisms.  Soon, the drawing room couldn’t hold everyone that wanted to participate in worship and hearing God’s Word.  The budding church shifted to Ravindra Nagar and shared a building with another denomination.

In 2004, the present church at Misrod was built.  It has a beautiful sanctuary where worship service takes place every Sunday.  The ministry now has several fulltime pastors as well as many volunteer workers.  During the week, the staff and members plan and attend various programs at the building to edify each other and the community.  We have regular times of prayer for the sick and troubled and take special attention in counselling those who are distressed.   Other activities include Bible studies, cell groups, youth meetings, ladies’ ministries, and children’s clubs.

Good News Centre and church has a goal to enrich the believers with healthy, exciting worship and an inspiring word. We always aim to develop holistic growth in our believers.  The unchanging Lord has inspired and developed the church to grow in new ways.  The purpose of this church is to advance God’s kingdom into the lives of the people of the region.   For the past several years, GNCC has planted several other branch churches in and around Bhopal. Presently GNCC is catering to the various needs of our church home and the greater region.