Good News Church, Bhopal


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

saving grace

You are God’s unique creation

The Bible says that God loves human beings because they are part of God’s unique creation. However, man fell into sin and broke his relationship with God. And man was separated from God because he had gone astray from God’s original plan. God’s desire is to save humans from a sinful state and restore a loving relationship with Him.  Jesus Christ is God who took the form of a man and incarnated (Avtar) into this world. He is the Son of God who became man to save the entire humanity from its sinful state.

Jesus was sent into this world as God’s action of the remedy. As part of this plan, God gave his Son Jesus to die on the cross.  Jesus took on the sin of the world when he died on the cross. Jesus revealed God’s amazing love on the cross by giving His own life.  God’s redemption plan of saving the entire human race from its sinfulness was fulfilled by the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. On the third day, Jesus rose again and conquered death.  The Bible says whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

After the resurrection, He ascended into heaven but prior to that, He said He will come again into our world. He will return to take the holy people (followers) with Him to heaven. And the Bible says that He will come again as judge of all and to rule over the world.

Jesus has opened the way for all human beings to attain salvation and overcome eternal punishment. Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If anyone wishes to live a peaceful and joyful life, Jesus is ready to embrace them with His everlasting love, joy, and peace. God loves all people without regard to class, caste, creed, and color. He is still alive and ready to give this life full of joy and peace to anyone who seeks Him and is ready to receive Him into his/her life.

One has to simply invite Jesus into his/her life and it can be done through a small prayer of confession:

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your love on the cross. I ask forgiveness for my sins. I believe in your death and resurrection. I accept you as my Lord and Savior and I confess it with my mouth. Come into my life, Lord.  Have mercy on me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.